
Meeting Essentials is a ONE DAY Conference and Exhibition
Thursday, January 13, 2022 9:30am to 5:30pm

In One Day (not 2 or 3 away from the office!) Meeting Essentials offers you
-the opportunity to hear from industry experts on key issues
-learn what others are doing
-take away and implement new ideas!

When each Conference Session is over, don’t forget to head over to the Exhibit Hall to register in the drawing for one of those 4K Ultra-HD Action Cameras!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

(click on that “+” for more details)


9:30am – 5:00pm

Registration and COVID Vaccination Check In


9:30am – 5:30pm

Exhibit Hall Hours

In additions to our Exhibitors, ALL the refreshments and Prize drawings will happen here!


10:30am – 11:30am

Hybrid Events are not going away -- 20 big Tips... What’s working and what’s not when it comes to virtual and hybrid events? Find out how leaders from organizations like SXSW, PCMA’s Convening Leaders, Web Summit and the NAMM Show are maximizing the digital channel as in-person events ramp back up.

  Danica Tormohlen has covered the trade show industry since 1994. Since July 2020, she has worked on assignment for a number of leading trade show and convention industry organizations, including SISO (Society of Independent Show Organizers), UFI: The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, PCMA (Professional Convention Management Association), Go LIVE Together and XLIVE by Questex. In spring 2021, she launched Hybrid Hour, a weekly Clubhouse discussion in partnership with Juno. Season 1 included 13 episodes with leading trade show executives from Web Summit, South by Southwest and the Toy Association to name a few.

Previously, she served as editor at large at Trade Show Executive for 10 years, and as Editor-In-Chief and Publisher of EXPO magazine, where she worked for 16 years. In 2020, Danica earned three journalism awards for editorial excellence from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.

In her role at Trade Show Executive, Tormohlen wrote and produced content, including news, features, case studies and profiles for the monthly magazine, weekly e-newsletter, social media channels and the web site. She is passionate about educating readers by offering analysis of trends, insight into technology and presenting new ideas and tips to help them do their jobs better.

She also served as Editor-In-Chief and Publisher of EXPO magazine, where she worked from 1994 to 2010. Tormohlen has won numerous awards for outstanding editorial and design, including the Folio: Eddie Award for Editorial Excellence in the travel and hospitality category and the Gold, Silver and Bronze Azbee Awards for Editorial Excellence in business-to-business journalism.

She is active in the trade show and publishing industries. Danica currently serves as Co-Chair of the Education & Events Committee for the Women In Exhibitions Network North American Chapter. Previously, she served on the education committee for the International Association of Exhibitions & Events (IAEE). She has spoken at a variety of industry events including IAEE, SISO, Large Show Roundtable, American Business Media, ASBPE, Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Summit, Trade Show Executive Fastest 50 Summit, SMG Annual Sales Meeting, Orange County Convention Center Client Advisory Board Meeting and Convention Sales Professionals International.


12:00 Noon – 1:00pm

Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

  Scrumptious selection of  Box Lunches


1:00pm – 1:45pm

How a simultaneous Live Podcast can Have your event live on and on... Topics that will be covered: Using a podcast to promote the event interview Leveraging Keynote speakers and guests Audience interaction at the event Shout-out and reference to the event during the recording Post Interview event activities Repurposing the content to live on Referencing the event in the past and what to do for next year

  Shawn Flynn is the host of the award winning Podcast “The Silicon Valley Podcast” where he has interviewed some of the biggest names in Tech including: Melanie Perkins Co-Founder of Canva, Jim McKelvey Co-Founder of Square, Avram Miller Co-Founder of Intel Capital. and many more.  When he is not interviewing the stars of Silicon Valley, he is a Principal at a middle market investment bank with expertise in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, financial restructuring, and valuation.


1:45pm – 2:15pm

Session Break... Head over to the Exhibit Hall to register in the drawing for one of those 4K Ultra-HD Action Cameras

  In additions to our Exhibitors, ALL the refreshments and Prize drawings will happen here!


2:15pm – 3:00pm

Your next Event could be above water: The Cruise Industry option could keep your Organization afloat… Think of a cruise ship to host your next business meetings. If a company pays to congratulate all their top salespeople last year, then that could be a tax write-off for the corporation on any vessel. Other organizations, like real estate agents, need to renew their licenses every 1-3 years. They usually pay to go to a hotel somewhere and you must organize their transportation, hotel, meals, tours, meeting needs, etc. Why not have that same meeting on an American flagged vessel and let the cruise line handle all the details for you. The money they pay to be on this vessel could be a tax write-off for each individual paying!

  Rick Adams Graduated Oklahoma State University with a BS Degree in Communications, and an emphasis in Public Relations.

He has worked aboard 6 cruise lines as a Cruise Director, helped start 3 cruise lines and then settled into sales for 30 years.  During this time, he has personally chartered several ships to accommodate business meetings for tax write-offs.  He has had the pleasure of being on over 200 cruises, traveled through 87 countries and all 50 states and still traveling!

After trying to retire from travel, I was hired in 2016 to teach Cruise Operations and Management at San Jose State University in their Hospitality, Tourism & Event Management Department.  He was also hired by a very dear friend in 2017 to manage and escort her tours all over the world for Total Eclipse trips and Northern Lights!  She sold the company 3 years ago to a man who passed away 1 year ago.  He was uneasy to think a 35-year-old tour operator would close their doors, so last January bought the company.  He is now the proud co-owner of MelitaTrips LLC.


3:00pm – 3:15pm

Session Break... Head over to the Exhibit Hall to register in the drawing for one of those 4K Ultra-HD Action Cameras

  In additions to our Exhibitors, ALL the refreshments and Prize drawings will happen here!


3:15pm – 4:00pm

Meeting Technology, a Tech Resource, Large and Small… A growing challenge is to keep up on technology that may be used to plan events, may help present events, or may be one of the features of the program. In our short time together, we will explore all three categories with a special emphasis on providing specific resources to serve one or more of the purposes. With over 100 new event technology offerings this year alone, there is no claim that presented resources will be comprehensive, but we will cover some of the most acclaimed technical support offerings and perhaps uncover some types of offerings you have not previously been aware.

  Dan Cormany rejoined the faculty of Florida International University’s Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management in 2018 after teaching at FIU for five years, and serving as founding instructor for their bachelor’s degree in Event Management.  Prior to that, he taught for five years at the Harrah Hotel College at UNLV, Las Vegas, where he also earned his second masters and a doctoral degree in Hotel Administration. 

From 2016 to 2018 he has taught in Silicon Valley, at San Jose State University, focusing on his areas of expertise – special event, festivals, trade show and convention management – and establishing an events major for the department.

Prior to his time at UNLV, he worked for 17 years as Dean of Students and a senior officer at universities in Ohio, Florida and Hawaii, before embarking on a career change to tourism. Much of this collegiate work was in event production.  His hotel work includes management positions for Loews Hotels, Hyatt Regency and Wynn Las Vegas. He holds a Master of Arts in College Administration from Bowling Green State University in Ohio, and a Bachelor of Arts, Summa cum laude, from the University of Akron in Communication.  His event management background includes work on 7 of the 10 largest trade shows held in the United States, production of Renaissance and Native American festivals, fundraisers, cultural and popular concerts, and many conferences and conventions.


4:00pm – 5:30pm

Networking and Karaoke Contest in the Exhibit Hall

 In additions to our Exhibitors, ALL the refreshments and Prize drawings will happen here!

Register Now!

FREE to Qualified Meeting & Event Professionals

Who is a qualified?

If your are employed as a corporate, association or full-service third-party, meeting and/or event planner that, as part of your job, purchases the goods and services from our exhibitors.

BUT… we will allow Meeting & Event Professionals to register who are currently between jobs due to COVID19 and the related economic downturn, and hope and plan to re-enter the workforce with similar responsibilities as soon as they are able.

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